This documentation explains the list of publicly available REST API in synapseRT to perform the products own actions via programmatically.
Test Plan Resource
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/addMembers
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cases are successfully added to the Test Plan
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
PUT /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/assignTesterToTestCase
To get "memberId", please execute "GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testplanIssueKey}/members" and then pickup "id" value from its response.
"data": "Cheney Ma"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cases are successfully assigned to specified Tester
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/addCycle
- The date format supported is: yyyy-mm-dd
- To create a 'Advanced Test Cycle', please add following parameter in REQUEST: "testCycleType": "Advanced"
- Parameter "preloadRuns":"no" means adding a Test Cycle without loading Test Cases from Test Plan issue; while "preloadRuns":"yes" is just doing opposite.
"name":"REST API Cycle 1",
"build":"build 1.0"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cycle is successfully added to the Test Plan
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycles
"id": 151,
"name": "Round 1 with Chrome",
"environment": "Chrome",
"status": "Active",
"deleteable": false,
"aborted": false,
"active": true,
"build": "8.4",
"draft": false,
"plannedStartDate": "2016-11-03",
"plannedEndDate": "2016-11-03",
"cycleStartedDate": "2016-11-03T15:55:48.883+0800"
"id": 152,
"name": "Round 2 with Firefox",
"environment": "Firefox 47",
"status": "Active",
"deleteable": false,
"aborted": false,
"active": true,
"build": "8.4",
"draft": false,
"plannedStartDate": "2016-11-04",
"plannedEndDate": "2016-11-04",
"cycleStartedDate": "2016-11-03T16:10:38.695+0800"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cycles are successfully retrieved
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
DELETE /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/deleteCycleByIdOrName
By: Test Cycle Name
"name":"REST API Cycle 1"
By: Test Cycle Id
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cycle is successfully deleted from the Test Plan
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testplanIssueKey}/members
"id": 1215,
"testCaseSummary": "Valid the bank name",
"tcId": 15713,
"tpId": 15802,
"testCaseKey": "FRS-14",
"testPlanKey": "FRS-31"
"id": 1216,
"testCaseSummary": "Return error if name is not correct",
"tcId": 15714,
"tpId": 15802,
"testCaseKey": "FRS-15",
"testPlanKey": "FRS-31"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cases are successfully retrieved from the Test Plan
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testplanIssueKey}/testPlanInformation
"testCycles": [
"testCycleId": 151,
"testCycleName": "Round 1 with Chrome",
"notifyTester": false
"testCycleId": 152,
"testCycleName": "Round 2 with Firefox",
"notifyTester": false
"cycleWithRuns": {
"Round 1 with Chrome": [
"executedBy": "cma",
"testRunSteps": [
"id": 15203,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "<p>Login 'FRS' system valid u/p.</p>",
"actualResult": "",
"stepData": "",
"stepRaw": "Login 'FRS' system valid u/p.",
"expectedResultRaw": "User logged in successfully.",
"expectedResult": "<p>User logged in successfully.</p>"
"id": 15204,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "<p>Choose any ticket and click on 'Purchase' button.</p>",
"actualResult": "",
"stepData": "",
"stepRaw": "Choose any ticket and click on 'Purchase' button.",
"expectedResultRaw": "It redirects to 'Purchase' page.",
"expectedResult": "<p>It redirects to 'Purchase' page.</p>"
"id": 15205,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "<p>Specify a valid bank from which the card was issued in 'Bank Name' textbox.</p>",
"actualResult": "",
"stepData": "",
"stepRaw": "Specify a valid bank from which the card was issued in 'Bank Name' textbox.",
"expectedResultRaw": "",
"expectedResult": ""
"id": 15206,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "<p>Click 'Validation' button.</p>",
"actualResult": "",
"stepData": "",
"stepRaw": "Click 'Validation' button.",
"expectedResultRaw": "A confirmation message 'Bank Validation Passed' pops up.",
"expectedResult": "<p>A confirmation message 'Bank Validation Passed' pops up.</p>"
"id": 15207,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "<p>Specify an invalid bank in 'Bank Name' textbox.</p>",
"actualResult": "",
"stepData": "",
"stepRaw": "Specify an invalid bank in 'Bank Name' textbox.",
"expectedResultRaw": "",
"expectedResult": ""
"id": 15208,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "<p>Click 'Validation' button.</p>",
"actualResult": "",
"stepData": "",
"stepRaw": "Click 'Validation' button.",
"expectedResultRaw": "An error message 'Bank Name is not valid!' pops up.",
"expectedResult": "<p>An error message 'Bank Name is not valid!' pops up.</p>"
"testRunHistory": [
"executorName": "cma",
"activity": "Passed",
"activityType": "Status",
"testRunId": 3148,
"executionTime": 1478161145190
"id": 3148,
"type": 0,
"comment": "",
"status": "Passed",
"commentWiki": "",
"lozenge": "aui-lozenge aui-lozenge-success",
"testCaseKey": "FRS-14",
"summary": "Valid the bank name",
"testerName": "cma",
"executedByFromRun": "cma",
"executionTimeStamp": "2016-11-03T16:19:05.190+0800",
"executedByDisplayName": "Cheney Ma",
"testCaseId": 15713,
"changeInfo": "null|null",
"executionOn": 1478161145190
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Run details are successfully retrieved from the Test Plan
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/getTestRunsCreated?testPlanIdOrKey=FRS-43&cutOffDateAndTime=2022-06-20 14:17:45
"runStatus": {
"immutable": false,
"description": "Test is not executed yet",
"name": "Not Tested",
"color": "#747474",
"enabled": true,
"id": 4,
"default": true
"testRunHistory": [
"executionOn": "20-Jun-2022 14:48:13",
"activityType": "Test Run",
"executorId": 10001,
"activity": "New Created",
"testRunId": 3300,
"executorFullName": "Cheney Ma",
"executorName": "cma"
"summary": "Test Case 2",
"testCaseId": 16401,
"cycleReadOnly": false,
"lozenge": "aui-lozenge ",
"id": 3300,
"comment": "",
"executedByDisplayName": "",
"resultColor": "#747474",
"adhocRunDeletable": true,
"testCaseKey": "FRS-40",
"status": "Not Tested",
"type": 0
"runStatus": {
"immutable": false,
"description": "Test is not executed yet",
"name": "Not Tested",
"color": "#747474",
"enabled": true,
"id": 4,
"default": true
"testRunSteps": [
"stepRaw": "It is the first step",
"expectedResultRaw": "Expected result for step 1",
"stepDataRaw": "",
"runStatus": {
"color": "#747474",
"enabled": true,
"description": "Test is not executed yet",
"name": "Not Tested",
"id": 4,
"default": true
"actualResult": "",
"step": "<p>It is the first step</p>",
"expectedResult": "<p>Expected result for step 1</p>",
"stepData": "",
"localizedStatus": "Not Tested",
"id": 15656,
"actualResultRaw": "",
"status": "Not Tested"
"stepRaw": "It is the second step",
"expectedResultRaw": "",
"stepDataRaw": "",
"runStatus": {
"color": "#747474",
"enabled": true,
"description": "Test is not executed yet",
"name": "Not Tested",
"id": 4,
"default": true
"actualResult": "",
"step": "<p>It is the second step</p>",
"expectedResult": "",
"stepData": "",
"localizedStatus": "Not Tested",
"id": 15657,
"actualResultRaw": "",
"status": "Not Tested"
"stepRaw": "It is the third step",
"expectedResultRaw": "Expected result for step 3",
"stepDataRaw": "",
"runStatus": {
"color": "#747474",
"enabled": true,
"description": "Test is not executed yet",
"name": "Not Tested",
"id": 4,
"default": true
"actualResult": "",
"step": "<p>It is the third step</p>",
"expectedResult": "<p>Expected result for step 3</p>",
"stepData": "",
"localizedStatus": "Not Tested",
"id": 15658,
"actualResultRaw": "",
"status": "Not Tested"
"stepRaw": "It is new step.",
"expectedResultRaw": "",
"stepDataRaw": "",
"runStatus": {
"color": "#747474",
"enabled": true,
"description": "Test is not executed yet",
"name": "Not Tested",
"id": 4,
"default": true
"actualResult": "",
"step": "<p>It is new step.</p>",
"expectedResult": "",
"stepData": "",
"localizedStatus": "Not Tested",
"id": 15659,
"actualResultRaw": "",
"status": "Not Tested"
"testRunHistory": [
"executionOn": "20-Jun-2022 14:48:13",
"activityType": "Test Run",
"executorId": 10001,
"activity": "New Created",
"testRunId": 3299,
"executorFullName": "Cheney Ma",
"executorName": "cma"
"summary": "Test Case 1",
"testCaseId": 16400,
"cycleReadOnly": false,
"lozenge": "aui-lozenge ",
"id": 3299,
"comment": "",
"executedByDisplayName": "",
"resultColor": "#747474",
"adhocRunDeletable": true,
"testCaseKey": "FRS-39",
"status": "Not Tested",
"type": 0
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Run details are successfully retrieved from the Test Plan
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/defects
"id": 16001,
"key": "FRS-35",
"summary": "REST API Defect Created for Test Run Step"
"id": 15723,
"key": "FRS-24",
"summary": "System is down, testing is blocked."
"id": 15725,
"key": "FRS-26",
"summary": "Error message is wrong after clicking 'Save' button."
"id": 15803,
"key": "FRS-32",
"summary": "The dialog box should be improved."
"id": 16000,
"key": "FRS-34",
"summary": "REST API Defect Created for Test Run"
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
STATUS 200 Returned if the Defects are successfully retrieved from the Test Plan
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Test Cycle Resource
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/createTestRuns
- If you want to leave 'Urgency' as blank, set value as: null
- If you want to leave 'Tester' as 'Unassigned', set value as: Unassigned
- If you only have one run attribute created in your project, specify following for "attributeValues": "AttributeName": "AttributeValue", "-": "-"
- If there are partial test runs created due to some invalid attribute input, it will still return code 200, succeed records will be listed in response and error for invalid input will also be there
- ‘Urgency’ and 'Tester' is set for run attribute level along with all its test runs, not for each independent test run in the list
"testCaseKeys": "FRS-14,FRS-15,FRS-16",
"cycleId": "164",
"Instance": "sbus.ins1", "Configuration": "-"
"Instance": "-", "Configuration": "Inter_Configure_1"
"Instance": "sbus.ins1", "Configuration": "Inter_Configure_1"
"urgencyValue": "High,null,Low",
"assignValue": "tester,cma,Unassigned",
"progressKey": "bulkTestRun-Create"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Runs are successfully created from the Test Cycle
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseKey or cycleId or attributeValues provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/bulkAssignUpdate
"message": "Success"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Runs are successfully assigned to specified Tester
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
PUT /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycle/{cycleName}/wf/{action}
Valid actions are:
- Start
- Complete
- Abort
- Resume
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cycle status is updated successfully
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/editCycle
To get "Test Cycle ID", please execute "GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycles" and then pickup "id" value from its response.
"id": 152,
"name":"Round 2 with Firefox_Update",
"environment":"Firefox 47_Update",
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cycle details is updated successfully
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycle/{cycleName}/testRuns
"id": 3148,
"comment": "",
"executedBy": "cma",
"status": "Passed",
"executionTimeStamp": "03/Nov/16 4:19 PM",
"summary": "Valid the bank name",
"testerName": "cma",
"testCaseKey": "FRS-14"
"id": 3149,
"comment": "",
"executedBy": "cma",
"status": "Failed",
"attachments": [
"fileName": "Performance_Manage_REQs_Loading_Issue.jpg",
"id": 62,
"mimeType": "image/jpeg"
"executionTimeStamp": "03/Nov/16 4:06 PM",
"summary": "Return error if name is not correct",
"testerName": "cma",
"bugs": [
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
"testCaseKey": "FRS-15"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Runs are successfully retrieved
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycle/{cycleId}/testRunsByCycleId
"id": 3148,
"comment": "",
"executedBy": "cma",
"status": "Passed",
"executionTimeStamp": "03/Nov/16 4:19 PM",
"summary": "Valid the bank name",
"testerName": "cma",
"testCaseKey": "FRS-14"
"id": 3149,
"comment": "",
"executedBy": "cma",
"status": "Failed",
"attachments": [
"fileName": "Performance_Manage_REQs_Loading_Issue.jpg",
"id": 62,
"mimeType": "image/jpeg"
"executionTimeStamp": "03/Nov/16 4:06 PM",
"summary": "Return error if name is not correct",
"testerName": "cma",
"bugs": [
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
"testCaseKey": "FRS-15"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Runs are successfully retrieved
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/addMembersToTestCycle
"testCycleName":"Round 3 with IE",
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cases are added/removed successfully
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
PUT /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/reorderTestRun
- This will move the Test Run (runId is 3169) right below Test Run (runId is 3167)
- refTestRunId would be -1 if the Test Run needs to be moved to the top
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Run is reordered successfully
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testRunId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycle/{cycleId}/defects
"id": 16001,
"key": "FRS-35",
"summary": "REST API Defect Created for Test Run Step"
"id": 15723,
"key": "FRS-24",
"summary": "System is down, testing is blocked."
"id": 15803,
"key": "FRS-32",
"summary": "The dialog box should be improved."
"id": 16000,
"key": "FRS-34",
"summary": "REST API Defect Created for Test Run"
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
STATUS 200 Returned if the Defects are successfully retrieved from the Test Cycle
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCycle/addAutomationJobToTestCycle
"testPlanKey": "FRS-31",
"testCycleName": "Round 3 with IE",
"appName": "Demo-Jenkins",
"jobKey": "DemoParameterJob",
"testType": "SELENIUM",
"params" : "stringp1=p1value;stringp2=p2value"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Automation Job is successfully added to the Test Cycle
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCycle/automationJobs
"testPlanKey": "FRS-31",
"testCycleName": "Round 3 with IE"
"automationBuildId": 4,
"appName": "Demo-Jenkins",
"jobKey": "DemoParameterJob",
"testType": "SELENIUM",
"params": "stringp1=p1value;stringp2=p2value;SRTCYCLE=153"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Automation Job details is successfully retrieved
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCycle/triggerAutomationJob
"testPlanKey": "FRS-31",
"testCycleName": "Round 3 with IE",
"automationBuildId": "4"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Automation Job is successfully triggered from Test Cycle
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Test Run Resource
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/{runID}
Please note that runID doesn't include the prefix 'TR'.
"id": 3148,
"type": 0,
"comment": "",
"summary": "Valid the bank name",
"estimate": "10m",
"status": "Passed",
"testerName": "cma",
"testCaseId": 15713,
"efforts": "5m",
"testRunDetails": {
"testRunSteps": [
"id": 15203,
"status": "Passed",
"expectedResult": "User logged in successfully.",
"step": "Login 'FRS' system valid u/p.",
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"id": 15204,
"status": "Passed",
"expectedResult": "It redirects to 'Purchase' page.",
"step": "Choose any ticket and click on 'Purchase' button.",
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"id": 15205,
"status": "Passed",
"expectedResult": "",
"step": "Specify a valid bank from which the card was issued in 'Bank Name' textbox.",
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"id": 15206,
"status": "Passed",
"expectedResult": "A confirmation message 'Bank Validation Passed' pops up.",
"step": "Click 'Validation' button.",
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"id": 15207,
"status": "Passed",
"expectedResult": "",
"step": "Specify an invalid bank in 'Bank Name' textbox.",
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"id": 15208,
"status": "Passed",
"expectedResult": "An error message 'Bank Name is not valid!' pops up.",
"step": "Click 'Validation' button.",
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"testRunHistory": [
"executorName": "cma",
"activity": "Passed",
"activityType": "Status",
"executionTime": 1478161145190,
"testRunId": 3148
"nextRunId": 3149
"testCaseKey": "FRS-14",
"lozenge": "aui-lozenge aui-lozenge-success"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Run Details are successfully retrieved
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/{testCaseIssueKey}/testRuns
"type": 0,
"id": 3116,
"status": "Passed",
"summary": "Valid the bank name",
"testCaseKey": "FRS-14",
"lozenge": "aui-lozenge aui-lozenge-success",
"testPlanKey": "FRS-22",
"executionOn": "01/Jul/16 11:01 AM",
"testPlanSummary": "Functionality Testing in Sprint 16",
"testerName": "Murali",
"testCycleSummary": "Cycle - Chrome",
"executedBy": "cma",
"testCaseId": 15713,
"testCycleId": 147,
"testRunDetails": {
"testRunSteps": [
"id": 15081,
"step": "Login 'FRS' system valid u/p.",
"status": "Passed",
"expectedResult": "User logged in successfully.",
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"id": 15082,
"step": "Choose any ticket and click on 'Purchase' button.",
"status": "Passed",
"expectedResult": "It redirects to 'Purchase' page.",
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"id": 15083,
"step": "Specify a valid bank from which the card was issued in 'Bank Name' textbox.",
"status": "Passed",
"expectedResult": "",
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"id": 15084,
"step": "Click 'Validation' button.",
"status": "Passed",
"expectedResult": "A confirmation message 'Bank Validation Passed' pops up.",
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"id": 15085,
"step": "Specify an invalid bank in 'Bank Name' textbox.",
"status": "Passed",
"expectedResult": "",
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"id": 15086,
"step": "Click 'Validation' button.",
"status": "Passed",
"expectedResult": "An error message 'Bank Name is not valid!' pops up.",
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"testRunHistory": [
"executionTime": 1467342064503,
"executorName": "cma",
"activity": "Passed",
"executorId": 10001,
"activityType": "Status",
"testRunId": 3116,
"executorFullName": "Cheney Ma"
"executionTime": 1467342064502,
"executorName": "cma",
"activity": "Passed",
"executorId": 10001,
"activityType": "Status",
"testRunId": 3116,
"executorFullName": "Cheney Ma"
"executionTime": 1467342064502,
"executorName": "cma",
"activity": "Passed",
"executorId": 10001,
"activityType": "Status",
"testRunId": 3116,
"executorFullName": "Cheney Ma"
"prevRunId": 3119,
"nextRunId": 3117
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Case Execution History are successfully retrieved
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/testRunsBetween
Please note that if leave "toDate" as blank ("toDate" : ""), it will return Test Runs done till current day
"fromDate" : "2019-04-12",
"toDate" : "2019-04-12"
"type": 0,
"id": 3170,
"status": "Passed",
"executedBy": "cma",
"summary": "FRS Smoke Testing - Automation Demo Test Case 1",
"testCaseKey": "FRS-29",
"testCycleId": 153,
"testCaseId": 15800,
"testerName": "",
"executionOn": "12/Apr/19 1:43 AM",
"testPlanSummary": " Functionality Testing in Sprint 20",
"testPlanKey": "FRS-31",
"testRunDetails": {
"testRunHistory": [
"executorName": "cma",
"activity": "Passed",
"testRunId": 3170,
"executorId": 10001,
"executionOn": "12-Apr-2019 01:43:14",
"activityType": "Status",
"executorFullName": "Cheney Ma"
"prevRunId": 3169,
"nextRunId": 3171
"testCycleSummary": "Round 3 with IE"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Runs are successfully done during the specified period
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycle/{cycleName}/updateTestRun
Please note that "Run Attribute" and its values must be created manually before run this API
"comment":"Updated through REST"
"Configuration": [
"Instance": [
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Run is updated successfully
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/updateStep/
To get "runStepId", please execute "GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/{runID}" and then pickup "testRunSteps id" value from its response.
"runStepId":15366, "result":"Blocked", "actualResult":"This Test Step is failed.", "bugs":["FRS-23"]
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Run Step Result is successfully updated
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the runStepId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/update
Please note that "Run Attribute" and its values must be created manually before run this API
"comment":"Updated through REST",
"Configuration": [
"Instance": [
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Run Step Result is successfully updated
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the runId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/bulkStatusUpdate
Valid 'status' are: - Passed - Failed - Not Tested - Blocked - NA
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Runs results are successfully updated
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycle/{cycleName}/linkBugToTestRun
STATUS 200 Returned if the Bug is successfully linked to the Test Run
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/step/linkBug?tpKey=?&cycleName=?
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/step/linkBug?tpKey=FRS-888&cycleName=Sprint 25 Cycle 1
Case 1:
Case 2:
Case 3:
STATUS 200 Returned if the Bug is successfully linked to the Test Run
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/attachment/{runId}/testrun
Please note that runId doesn't include the prefix 'TR'.
Supported content type: MULTIPART_FORM_DATA
STATUS 200 Returned if the attachment is successfully added to Test Run
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the runId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/attachment/{runId}/testrun/step/{stepno}
Please note that runId doesn't include the prefix 'TR'.
Supported content type: MULTIPART_FORM_DATA
STATUS 200 Returned if the attachment is successfully added to Test Run Step
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the runId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/createRunBug
{"key": "FRS"},
"summary": "REST API Defect Created for Test Run",
"description": "This Defect is Created from a Test Run",
{"name": "Defect"}
"id": 16000,
"key": "FRS-34"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Defect is successfully created from the Test Run
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the runId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/createRunStepBug
{"key": "FRS"},
"summary": "REST API Defect Created for Test Run Step",
"description": "This Defect is Created from a Test Run Step",
{"name": "Defect"}
"id": 16001,
"key": "FRS-35"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Defect is successfully created from the Test Run Step
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the runStepId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/defects/runId
"id": 16001,
"key": "FRS-35",
"summary": "REST API Defect Created for Test Run Step"
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
"id": 16000,
"key": "FRS-34",
"summary": "REST API Defect Created for Test Run"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Defects are successfully retrieved from the Test Run
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the runId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/attachment/{runId}/getAttachmentDetails
"fileName": "Attachment1 - Attached in a Test Run Step.jpg",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"id": 63,
"filePath": "http://localhost:8848/plugins/servlet/downloadTRAttachment?attachmentId=63"
"fileName": "Attachment2 - Attached in a Test Run.jpg",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"id": 64,
"filePath": "http://localhost:8848/plugins/servlet/downloadTRAttachment?attachmentId=64"
STATUS 200 Returned if the attachments are successfully retrieved from the Test Run
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the runId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
DELETE /rest/synapse/latest/public/attachment/{runId}/deleteAttachment/{attachmentId}
STATUS 200 Returned if the attachment is successfully deleted from the Test Run
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the runId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Test Case Resource
POST: /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/create/createTestCase
{"key": "FRS"},
"summary": "REST API Test Case 1",
"description": "This Test Case Is Created from REST API",
{"name": "Test Case"}
{"step":"It is the first Test Step", "stepData": "It is Test Data for the first Test Step", "expectedResult":"It is the Expected Result for the first Test Step"},
{"step":"It is the second Test Step", "stepData": "It is Test Data for the second Test Step", "expectedResult":"It is the Expected Result for the second Test Step"}
"id": 16000,
"key": "FRS-34"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Case is successfully created
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the 'fields' provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST: /rest/synapse/latest/public/testSuite/createTestCase
- If 'testSuitePath' doesn't exist, a new Test Suite will be created by API and then link Test Case to it.
- If 'TestSuitePath' exists, the Test Case will be linked to the Test Suite directly.
{"key": "FRS"},
"summary": "REST API Test Case with Test Suite",
"description": "This Test Case Is Created from REST API",
{"name": "Test Case"}
{"step": "It is the first Test Step", "stepData": "It is Test Data for the first Test Step", "expectedResult": "It is the Expected Result for the first Test Step"},
{"step": "It is the second Test Step", "stepData": "It is Test Data for the second Test Step", "expectedResult": "It is the Expected Result for the second Test Step"}
"testSuitePath": "ROOT Test Suite/Sub Test Suite",
"projectKey": "FRS"
"testSuitePath": "ROOT Test Suite/Sub Test Suite",
"projectKey": "FRS",
"testCaseKey": "FRS-146",
"createdTestSuiteId": 281,
"createdTestCase": {
"id": 16282,
"key": "FRS-146"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Case is successfully created
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST: /rest/synapse/latest/public/testSuite/linkTestCase
- If 'testSuitePath' doesn't exist, a new Test Suite will be created by API and then link Test Case/s to it.
- If 'TestSuitePath' exists, the Test Case/s will be linked to the Test Suite directly.
"testCaseKeys": ["FRS-14","FRS-15"],
"testSuitePath": "ROOT Test Suite/Sub Test Suite",
"projectKey": "FRS"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Case/s is successfully linked to specified Test Suite
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
DELETE /rest/synapse/latest/public/testSuite/{projectKey}/removeTestSuiteMember
- If you want to delete multiple Test Suites from the Test Case/s, separate Test Suites by using comma (,)
- If you want to delete Test Suite/s from multiple Test Cases, separate Test Cases by using comma (,)
"testSuiteName": "synapseRT All Test Cases/Requirement Issue",
"testCaseKeys": "FRS-51"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Suite information is successfully deleted from Test Case issue.
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testSuiteName or testCaseKeys provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/addSteps
{ "step":"Step 1 added via REST API",
"stepData": "It is step data A for testing",
"expectedResult":"Expected Result 1 added via REST API"
{ "step":"Step 2 added via REST API",
"stepData": "It is step data B for testing",
"expectedResult":"Expected Result 1 added via REST API"
"sequenceNumber": "8",
"id": 1707,
"step": "Step 1 added via REST API",
"expectedResult": "Expected Result 1 added via REST API",
"tcId": 15713,
"stepData": "It is step data A for testing"
"sequenceNumber": "9",
"id": 1708,
"step": "Step 2 added via REST API",
"expectedResult": "Expected Result 1 added via REST API",
"tcId": 15713,
"stepData": "It is step data B for testing"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Steps are successfully added to the Test Case
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/steps
"sequenceNumber": "1",
"id": 1672,
"step": "Login 'FRS' system valid u/p.",
"expectedResult": "User logged in successfully.",
"tcId": 15713
"sequenceNumber": "2",
"id": 1673,
"step": "Choose any ticket and click on 'Purchase' button.",
"expectedResult": "It redirects to 'Purchase' page.",
"tcId": 15713
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Steps are successfully retrieved from the Test Case
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/timeTracking
"estimate": "10m",
"forecast": "5m",
"issueKey": "FRS-15",
"issueId": "16110"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Time Tracking information is successfully retrieved from the Test Case
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/linkedTestSuites
"summary": "Return error if name is not correct",
"projectKey": "FRS",
"testSuites": [
"Flight Reservation System/Purchase Ticket/Credit Card Validation/Valid Card Owner"
STATUS 200 Returned if the linked Test Suite information is successfully retrieved from the Test Case
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/linkedTestPlans
"summary": "Return error if name is not correct",
"projectKey": "FRS",
"testPlans": [
"testPlanKey": "FRS-31",
"testPlanSummary": " Functionality Testing in Sprint 20",
"testCycles": [
"testCycleId": 151,
"testCycleName": "Round 1 with Chrome",
"notifyTester": false
"testCycleId": 152,
"testCycleName": "Round 2 with Firefox_Update",
"notifyTester": false
"testCycleId": 153,
"testCycleName": "Round 3 with IE",
"notifyTester": false
"testCycleId": 159,
"testCycleName": "REST API Cycle 1",
"notifyTester": false
"testCycleId": 162,
"testCycleName": "Round 1 with Chromea",
"notifyTester": false
"testPlanKey": "FRS-22",
"testPlanSummary": "Functionality Testing in Sprint 16",
"testCycles": [
"testCycleId": 147,
"testCycleName": "Cycle - Chrome",
"notifyTester": false
"testCycleId": 148,
"testCycleName": "Cycle - Firefox",
"notifyTester": false
"testCycleId": 149,
"testCycleName": "Cycle - IE",
"notifyTester": false
STATUS 200 Returned if the linked Test Plan information is successfully retrieved from the Test Case
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/updateTestReference
- If 'Test Reference' value doesn't exist, the value will be created by the API.
- If 'Test Reference' value already exists, it will be replaced by the new value mentioned in API.
- If 'Test Reference' value needs to be cleared, specify automationReference":"" as API body.
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Reference information is successfully created from the Test Case
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/automationReference
"summary": "FRS Smoke Testing - Automation Demo Test Case 1",
"projectKey": "FRS",
"automationReference": "com.pba.test.module2.TestCase1:VerifyJiraRalDefSync"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Reference information is successfully retrieved from the Test Case
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
PUT /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/updateStep
"step":"Update Step X",
"expectedResult":"Update Expected Result X",
"stepData":"Update Test Data X"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Step is successfully updated
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the ID provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
PUT /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/updateStep
"step":"Step 1",
"expectedResult":"Result 1",
"stepData":"Data 1"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Step is successfully updated
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the sequenceNumber provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
DELETE /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/deleteStep/{stepId}
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Step is successfully deleted
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the stepId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
DELETE /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/deleteStepBySequenceNo/{stepNo}
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Step is successfully deleted
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the stepNo provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/linkedRequirements
"id": 15703,
"key": "FRS-4",
"summary": "Valid Card Owner"
"id": 15701,
"key": "FRS-2",
"summary": "Credit Card Validation"
"id": 15704,
"key": "FRS-5",
"summary": "Passenger Information Validation"
STATUS 200 Returned if the linked Requirements are successfully retrieved from the Test Case
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
DELETE /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/deleteLinkedRequirements
STATUS 200 Returned if the Requirement Associations are successfully deleted
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
PUT /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/adhoc/create/{testCaseIssueKey}
"id": 3176,
"type": 0,
"status": "Not Tested",
"testCaseKey": "FRS-15",
"lozenge": "aui-lozenge ",
"summary": "Return error if name is not correct",
"prevRunId": 3175
"testerName": "cma",
"testCaseId": 15714
STATUS 200 Returned if Test Run is successfully created from the Test Case
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/adhoc/getTestRuns/{testCaseIssueKey}
"id": 3176,
"type": 0,
"status": "Not Tested",
"testCaseKey": "FRS-15",
"lozenge": "aui-lozenge ",
"summary": "Return error if name is not correct",
"testRunDetails": {
"testRunSteps": [
"id": 15265,
"status": "Not Tested",
"step": "Login 'FRS' system valid u/p.",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": "User logged in successfully."
"id": 15266,
"status": "Not Tested",
"step": "Choose any ticket and click on '*Purchase*' button.",
"stepData": "",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": "It redirects to 'Purchase' page."
"id": 15267,
"status": "Not Tested",
"step": "Specify your ID and Name in '{color:red}Passenger Name{color}' section.",
"stepData": "",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": ""
"id": 15268,
"status": "Not Tested",
"step": "Click 'Check' button. ",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": "It returns an error: 'Your ID and Name are inconsistent, please check again!'."
"id": 15269,
"status": "Not Tested",
"step": "*Below is an inline image for Step 5:*\n !UG_AD11_Preference.jpg|thumbnail!",
"stepData": "",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": "*Below is an inline image for Step 5:*\n !UG_AD10_Preference.jpg|thumbnail!"
"prevRunId": 3175
"testerName": "cma",
"testCaseId": 15714
"id": 3174,
"type": 0,
"status": "Passed",
"testCaseKey": "FRS-15",
"lozenge": "aui-lozenge aui-lozenge-success",
"summary": "Return error if name is not correct",
"testRunDetails": {
"testRunSteps": [
"id": 15254,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "Login 'FRS' system valid u/p.",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": "User logged in successfully."
"id": 15255,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "Choose any ticket and click on '*Purchase*' button.",
"stepData": "",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": "It redirects to 'Purchase' page."
"id": 15256,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "Specify your ID and Name in '{color:red}Passenger Name{color}' section.",
"stepData": "",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": ""
"id": 15257,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "Click 'Check' button. ",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": "It returns an error: 'Your ID and Name are inconsistent, please check again!'."
"id": 15258,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "*Below is an inline image for Step 5:*\n !UG_AD11_Preference.jpg|thumbnail!",
"stepData": "",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": "*Below is an inline image for Step 5:*\n !UG_AD10_Preference.jpg|thumbnail!"
"testRunHistory": [
"executorName": "cma",
"testRunId": 3174,
"activity": "Passed",
"executionTime": 1492569650867,
"activityType": "Status"
"prevRunId": 3173,
"nextRunId": 3175
"testerName": "cma",
"testCaseId": 15714
STATUS 200 Returned if the Ad Hoc Test Run Details are successfully retrieved from the Test Case
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/getDefects
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
"id": 15725,
"key": "FRS-26",
"summary": "Error message is wrong after clicking 'Save' button."
"id": 15900,
"key": "FRS-33",
"summary": "There is an error when open xxx page."
STATUS 200 Returned if the Defects are successfully retrieved from the Test Case
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Requirement Resource
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey}/addChildren
STATUS 200 Returned if the Child Requirements are successfully linked to the Requirement
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey}/getChildren
"id": 15701,
"key": "FRS-2",
"summary": "Credit Card Validation"
"id": 15704,
"key": "FRS-5",
"summary": "Passenger Information Validation"
"id": 15702,
"key": "FRS-3",
"summary": "Valid Bank"
"id": 15703,
"key": "FRS-4",
"summary": "Valid Card Owner"
"id": 15705,
"key": "FRS-6",
"summary": "Registered User"
"id": 15706,
"key": "FRS-7",
"summary": "Not Registered User"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Child Requirements are successfully retrieved from the Requirement
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey}/getOnlyImmediateChildren
"id": 15702,
"key": "FRS-3",
"summary": "Valid Bank"
"id": 15703,
"key": "FRS-4",
"summary": "Valid Card Owner"
STATUS 200 Returned if the immediate Child Requirements are successfully retrieved from the Requirement
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey}/linkTestCase
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cases are successfully linked to the Requirement
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey}/linkedTestCases
"id": 15714,
"key": "FRS-15",
"summary": "Return error if name is not correct"
"id": 15715,
"key": "FRS-16",
"summary": "Return error if age is not correct"
"id": 15716,
"key": "FRS-17",
"summary": "Return error if sex is not correct "
STATUS 200 Returned if the linked Test Cases are successfully retrieved from the Requirement
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
DELETE /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey}/deleteLinkedTestCases
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Case Associations are successfully deleted
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey}/getDefects
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
"id": 15723,
"key": "FRS-24",
"summary": "System is down, testing is blocked."
"id": 15725,
"key": "FRS-26",
"summary": "Error message is wrong after clicking 'Save' button."
"id": 15900,
"key": "FRS-33",
"summary": "There is an error when open xxx page."
STATUS 200 Returned if the Defects are successfully retrieved from the Requirement
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirementSuite/create
"projectKey": "FRS",
"suiteName": "Root REQ Suite",
"parentSuiteId": "0"
"projectId": 10500,
"suiteName": "Root REQ Suite",
"parentSuiteId": 0,
"id": 44
STATUS 200 Returned if the Requirement Suite is successfully created
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the projectKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
DELETE /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirementSuite/delete?projectKeyOrId=?&requirementSuiteId=?
DELETE /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirementSuite/delete?projectKeyOrId=10901&requirementSuiteId=116
STATUS 200 Returned if the Requirement Suite is successfully deleted
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the projectKeyOrId or requirementSuiteId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirementSuite/addMember?requirementSuiteId=?&memberId=?&memberProjectKeyOrId=?
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirementSuite/addMember?requirementSuiteId=116&memberId=16107&memberProjectKeyOrId=FRS
STATUS 200 Returned if the Requirement Issue is successfully linked to Requirement Suite
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementSuiteId or memberId or memberProjectKeyOrId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirementSuite/deleteMember?requirementSuiteId=?&memberId=?
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirementSuite/deleteMember?requirementSuiteId=116&memberId=16107
STATUS 200 Returned if the Requirement Issue is successfully deleted from Requirement Suite
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementSuiteId or memberId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{projectKey}/requirementSuites
"requirementSuites": [
"name": "v1.0 - In Progress",
"id": 2,
"projectId": 10800
"name": "v2.0 - Backlog (Need Review)",
"id": 3,
"projectId": 10800
"name": "933A3 REQ Suite1",
"id": 4,
"projectId": 10800
"requirements": [
"id": 16202,
"key": "FRS-36",
"summary": "v3.0 - Develop Feature C (TBD)"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Requirement Suites are successfully retrieved from the project
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the projectKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/requirementSuite/{suiteId}
"requirementSuites": [],
"id": 5,
"name": "Sub Suite 1",
"projectId": 10800,
"requirements": [
"id": 16201,
"key": "FRS-35",
"summary": "v3.0 - Develop Feature B (TBD)"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Requirement Suite Members are successfully retrieved from the project
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the suiteId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey)/linkedRequirementSuites
"requirementSuites": "933A3 REQ Suite1/Sub Suite 1",
"summary": "v3.0 - Develop Feature A (TBD)",
"projectKey": "FRS",
"requirementHierarchy": "FRS-35->FRS-34"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Requirement Suite Information is successfully retrieved from the project
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Defect Resource
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/getTestRunsForDefect/{defectIssueKey}
"id": 3117,
"type": 0,
"status": "Failed",
"testCaseKey": "FRS-15",
"lozenge": "aui-lozenge aui-lozenge-error",
"summary": "Return error if name is not correct",
"testRunDetails": {
"testRunSteps": [
"id": 15087,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "Login 'FRS' system valid u/p.",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": "User logged in successfully."
"id": 15088,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "Choose any ticket and click on 'Purchase' button.",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": "It redirects to 'Purchase' page."
"id": 15089,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "Specify your ID and Name in 'Passenger Name' section.",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": ""
"id": 15090,
"status": "Failed",
"step": "Click 'Check' button. ",
"testRunStepBugsWrapper": [
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
"testRunStepAttachments": [
"id": 60,
"fileName": "Test_Case_View_Test_Suite_v8.1.jpg",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg"
"expectedResult": "It returns an error: 'Your ID and Name are inconsistent, please check again!'."
"testRunHistory": [
"executorName": "cma",
"testRunId": 3117,
"activity": "Passed",
"executionTime": 1467342070139,
"activityType": "Status"
"executorName": "cma",
"testRunId": 3117,
"activity": "Passed",
"executionTime": 1467342070140,
"activityType": "Status"
"executorName": "cma",
"testRunId": 3117,
"activity": "Passed",
"executionTime": 1467342070140,
"activityType": "Status"
"executorName": "cma",
"testRunId": 3117,
"activity": "Passed",
"executionTime": 1467342070140,
"activityType": "Status"
"executorName": "cma",
"testRunId": 3117,
"activity": "Failed",
"executionTime": 1467342073924,
"activityType": "Status"
"executorName": "cma",
"testRunId": 3117,
"activity": "Attached",
"executionTime": 1467342100470,
"activityType": "Issue"
"testRunBugs": [
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
"testRunAttachments": [],
"prevRunId": 3120
"testerName": "cma",
"testCaseId": 15714
"id": 3149,
"type": 0,
"status": "Failed",
"testCaseKey": "FRS-15",
"lozenge": "aui-lozenge aui-lozenge-error",
"summary": "Return error if name is not correct",
"testRunDetails": {
"testRunSteps": [
"id": 15173,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "Login 'FRS' system valid u/p.",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": "User logged in successfully."
"id": 15174,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "Choose any ticket and click on '*Purchase*' button.",
"stepData": "",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": "It redirects to 'Purchase' page."
"id": 15175,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "Specify your ID and Name in '{color:red}Passenger Name{color}' section.",
"stepData": "",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": ""
"id": 15176,
"status": "Failed",
"step": "Click 'Check' button. ",
"testRunStepBugsWrapper": [
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
"testRunStepAttachments": [
"id": 61,
"fileName": "Performance_Manage_REQs_Loading_Issue.jpg",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg"
"expectedResult": "It returns an error: 'Your ID and Name are inconsistent, please check again!'."
"id": 15177,
"status": "Passed",
"step": "*Below is an inline image for Step 5:*\n!Image_for_DEMO_Purpose.png|thumbnail!",
"stepData": "",
"testRunStepAttachments": [],
"expectedResult": "*Below is an inline image for Step 5:*\n!Image_for_DEMO_Purpose.png|thumbnail!"
"testRunHistory": [
"executorName": "cma",
"testRunId": 3149,
"activity": "Passed",
"executionTime": 1478160384762,
"activityType": "Status"
"executorName": "cma",
"testRunId": 3149,
"activity": "Failed",
"executionTime": 1478160387086,
"activityType": "Status"
"executorName": "cma",
"testRunId": 3149,
"activity": "+ FRS-23",
"executionTime": 1478160401266,
"activityType": "Issue"
"testRunBugs": [
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
"testRunAttachments": [
"id": 62,
"fileName": "Performance_Manage_REQs_Loading_Issue.jpg",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg"
"prevRunId": 3148,
"nextRunId": 3150
"testerName": "cma",
"testCaseId": 15714
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Run Details are successfully retrieved from the Defect
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the defectIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Other Resource
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/defects/buildDefects/{buildName}
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
"id": 16000,
"key": "FRS-34",
"summary": "REST API Defect Created for Test Run"
"id": 16001,
"key": "FRS-35",
"summary": "REST API Defect Created for Test Run Step"
"id": 15723,
"key": "FRS-24",
"summary": "System is down, testing is blocked."
"id": 15803,
"key": "FRS-32",
"summary": "The dialog box should be improved."
"id": 15725,
"key": "FRS-26",
"summary": "Error message is wrong after clicking 'Save' button."
STATUS 200 Returned if the Defects are successfully retrieved from the Build
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the buildName provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/defects/environmentDefects/{envName}
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
"id": 15723,
"key": "FRS-24",
"summary": "System is down, testing is blocked."
"id": 15727,
"key": "FRS-28",
"summary": "Not able to input any data in 'Data' field."
"id": 16000,
"key": "FRS-34",
"summary": "REST API Defect Created for Test Run"
"id": 16001,
"key": "FRS-35",
"summary": "REST API Defect Created for Test Run Step"
"id": 15803,
"key": "FRS-32",
"summary": "The dialog box should be improved."
STATUS 200 Returned if the Defects are successfully retrieved from the Environment
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the envName provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
POST: /rest/synapse/latest/public/testSuite/createTestSuite
If wants to add '/' as part as Test Suite name, please use escape character '\\'.
"testSuitePath": "API Test Suite/Sub Test Suite",
"projectKey": "FRS"
"testSuitePath": "API Test Suite/Sub Test Suite",
"projectKey": "FRS"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Suite is successfully created
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testSuite/{projectKey}/testSuites
"name": "Flight Reservation System",
"state": 1,
"id": 217,
"projectId": 10800,
"nameEncoded": "Flight Reservation System"
"name": "ROOT Test Suite1",
"state": 1,
"id": 233,
"projectId": 10800,
"nameEncoded": "ROOT Test Suite1"
"name": "ROOT Test Suite 2",
"state": 1,
"id": 234,
"projectId": 10800,
"nameEncoded": "ROOT Test Suite 2"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Suite List is successfully retrieved from the project
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the projectKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testSuite/testSuite/{suiteId}
"name": "Valid Bank",
"state": 1,
"id": 226,
"projectId": 10800,
"testSuiteMembers": [
"memberType": 0,
"id": 812,
"sequence": 0,
"memberId": 15713,
"testCaseIssue": {
"id": 15713,
"key": "FRS-14",
"summary": "Valid the bank name"
"nameEncoded": "Valid Bank"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Suite Members are successfully retrieved from the project
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the suiteId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error