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Generate Test Cycle Report

  1. Open a JIRA project
  2. Click "SynapseRT Reports" from the left navigation panel
  3. From the list, find "Test Cycle Report"
  4. Click "Test Cycle Report"
  5. Specify from the filter options below:
    1. Select a Test Plan from the "Test Plan" dropdown list
    2. Select a Test Cycle/s from the "Test Cycle" dropdown list
    3. Choose some JIRA fields from the "JIRA Fields" list
    4. Choose some custom fields from "JIRA Custom Fields" list
    5. Choose some synapseRT fields from "synapseRT Fields" list
  6. Click "Generate Report" button

You can save your selections as an "Report Configuration" to reuse it in the future.

[Screenshot - UG_SR01_Test_Cycle_Report]

[Screenshot - COMP_TR01_Test_Cycle_Report]

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