バージョン 9.6.4
リリース ノート
- SYNAPSENG-3286 [REST API]: Empty case is not handled for API "Get Test Cases in a Test Plan".
- SYNAPSENG-3264 [Report]: Introduce 'Only show the latest result' if the same test case executed in multiple Test Cycles in 'Test Suite Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-3236 [Report]: Show tabular data instead of 'progress bar' for 'Test Suite Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-3132 [Test Cycle]: Only the candidates those match specified 'texts' should be listed as candidates in 'Build' box.
バグ修正 :
- SYNAPSENG-3321 [Test Case]: Adhoc Test Run doesn't work for some users.
- SYNAPSENG-3320 [Traceability]: Duplicated 'Sprints' are listed in the dropdown.
- SYNAPSENG-3313 [Report]: Execution information is missing from "Test Plan Execution Report" exported file if Test Cycle name contains special character "&".
- SYNAPSENG-3312 [Performance]: 'Communications Breakdown' problem in 'Add Test cases thru Test Suite' option.
- SYNAPSENG-3310 [Gadget]: 'Grand Total' number is wrong in 'Test Case Executions by Cycle' gadget.
- SYNAPSENG-3307 [Requirement]: Requirement suite shows wrong number tag if issue type is changed and then deleted from Jira.
- SYNAPSENG-3301 [Test Cycle]: Reload 'Test Case' cannot clean overall result.
- SYNAPSENG-3297 [Configuration]: Duplicated status name is accepted if update status name from an existing one.
- SYNAPSENG-3296 [Configuration]: 500 error occurs when delete a 'Test Run Status' which is in use.
- SYNAPSENG-3294 [Agile]: Error occurs when open 'Test Info' dialog from multiple 'Active Sprints'.
- SYNAPSENG-3257 [Test Run]: 'Create Issue' dialog doesn't work correctly if current 'Tester' doesn't have 'Create Issue' permission in the project.
- SYNAPSENG-3233 [My Settings]: Only one field is disappeared from the page after refreshing even user did 'Remove' action on multiple items