バージョン 9.6.6
リリース ノート
- SYNAPSENG-3340 [Test Cycle] [Performance] Sprint field is taking too much time to load all values
- SYNAPSENG-3331 [Report]: Add one more column 'Total TEs' in 'Test Suite Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-3149 [Test Run]: To align with Jira, losing focus on text field should save the changes instead of discarding the changes.
- SYNAPSENG-3153 [Test Case]: Move the focus to the last step once a clone test step is done.
- SRM-227 [REQ Baseline]: Introduce 'Search' feature in 'Create Baseline' dialog.
バグ修正 :
SYNAPSENG-3337 [Import]: Failed to import with field 'User Picker (single user)', exception says 'String index out of range: -1'.
SYNAPSENG-3332 [Gadget]: Test case burndown chart shows wrong data if update test run status from 'NA' to 'Not Tested'.
SYNAPSENG-3303 [Gadget]: New introduced 'Test Run Status' cause 'Test Run Burndown Chart' gets wrong value.
SYNAPSENG-3295 [Report]: If query contains single quote, then export report will be failed with 500 error.
SYNAPSENG-3155 [Requirement]: Number tag is wrong for filtered result.
SYNAPSENG-3143 [Performance]: Baseline with large number of Requirements cannot be created with error message.
SYNAPSENG-2613 [Customer][Performance]: Test Case Execution Screen loading takes longer time after Bulk assignment.
- SRM-217 [REQ Version]: 'Description' field shows nothing for all versions if no value is specified in 'Version 1' in 'Version Comparison' window.