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バージョン 9.7.3

リリース ノート


  • SYNAPSENG-3429 [Gadget]: List 'Requirement' and 'Test Suite' in 'Fields' dropdown in 'Test Case Executions by Field'.
  • SYNAPSENG-3427 [Test Case]: Some UI improvements in synapseRT text boxes.
  • SYNAPSENG-3425 [Test Case]: Copy texts from a 'Step' text box shouldn't activate 'Edit' mode.
  • SYNAPSENG-3423 [Test Plans]: Add a 'Processing …' icon for 'Unresolved Plans' and 'Resolved Plans' tab during page loading.
  • SYNAPSENG-3404 [Test Cycle]: Add 'Attachments' option in 'Bulk Execution' dialog.
  • SYNAPSENG-3400 [Test Plan]: Add a 'Processing …' icon in Test Plan during adding Test Cases to it.
  • SYNAPSENG-3374 [JQL]: Improve synapseRT JQLs to include all defects instead of only 'Unresolved' defects.
  • SYNAPSENG-3291 [JQL]: A new JQL "issue in requirementsInBug("")" to query requirements those are impacted by bug/s.
  • SYNAPSENG-3238 [Agile]: Introduce agile integration with Jira Kanban board.
  • SYNAPSENG-3167 [Agile Integration]: 'Ad Hoc Test Run' should be a dialog box instead of a page after clicking 'Create' button.

バグ修正 :

  • SYNAPSENG-3448 [Report]: 500 error if there is no execution during selected period.
  • SYNAPSENG-3447 [Test Cycle]: 'Result' dropdown doesn't work in 'Test Suite View' mode.
  • SYNAPSENG-3436 [Test Run]: File name with special character '#' and '&' will cause some issues.
  • SYNAPSENG-3435 [Traceability]: 'Sprint' value cannot be saved to filter.
  • SYNAPSENG-3434 [Test Case]: The following special characters "& ><" are escaped if they are used in 'Code' block in 'Test Step' text boxes.
  • SYNAPSENG-3431 [Search]: Nothing is happened after clicking 'Syntax Help' link in search dialog box.
  • SYNAPSENG-3426 [Test Case]: Clean texts and then click outside of the text box will not save the change.
  • SYNAPSENG-3424 [Requirement]: synapseRT links are not considered as 'changes' for requirement version.
  • SYNAPSENG-3422 [Import/Export]: Reporter shows as 'Anonymous' once Test Case import is done.
  • SYNAPSENG-3421 [Import/Export]: Import process cannot be done if 'Step' value for the first Test Case is blank.
  • SYNAPSENG-3413 [Report]: 'Requirement Based Report' generates nothing if requirement project is different with test plan project.
  • SYNAPSENG-3412 [Requirements]: 'Test Plan count' tag always shows as '0' even there are some Test Plans there.
  • SYNAPSENG-3411 [Import/Export]: Import Test Cases from Test Suite doesn't work if any fields contains special characters (e.g. ~, /, |).
  • SYNAPSENG-3409 [Report]: Table header in 'Test Execution Weekly Progress Report' is NOT aligned with others.
  • SYNAPSENG-3408 [Test Cycle]: If link 'Defect' first, 'Comments' field will be changed to readonly status in 'Bulk Execution' dialog box.
  • SYNAPSENG-3399 [Performance]: Report data cannot be generated with 500 error if there are large set of Test Cases in Test Plan & Test Cycles.
  • SYNAPSENG-3378 [Performance]: It takes too much time to fully load 'Unresolved Plan' tab.
  • SYNAPSENG-3336 [Test Case]: Clean texts and then lost focus will NOT save this change in 'Test Step' text box.
  • SYNAPSENG-3171 [Agile Integration]: Test result cannot be updated in 'Test Results …' list immediately once the execution is done.
  • SYNAPSENG-2816 [Test Cycle]: Nothing is happened after clicking 'Syntax Help' link.
  • SYNAPSENG-2626 [Customer][Test Cycle]: If there is a space in searched strings, then reload any Test Case/s from searched data will cause an error.
  • SYNAPSENG-2518 [Configuration]: 'Communications Breakdown' issue occurs if 'Access URL' is different with JIRA 'Base URL'.
  • SYNAPSENG-2505 [Test Suite]: Number tag is not updated immediately once Test Cases is linked to sub Test Suite.
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