バージョン 9.7.5
リリース ノート
- SYNAPSENG-3481 [Requirement]: Display 'Total Test Cases: <Number>' for requirement issue.
- SYNAPSENG-3480 [Configuration]: 'Test Run Status Migration' need to be done during deletion of an exiting status.
- SYNAPSENG-3479 [Configuration]: It is NOT allowed to disable 'Not Tested' status.
- SYNAPSENG-3467 [Test Run]: Support 'Copy & Paste' screenshot to Test Run dialog.
- SYNAPSENG-3371 'Clone sprint value' should also be an option in 'SynapseRT Clone' dialog.
- SYNAPSENG-2182 [Customer][Test Cycle]: One click to expand 'Result' dropdown instead of two.
バグ修正 :
- SYNAPSENG-3499 [Requirement]: Create Version dialog not opening as popup.
- SYNAPSENG-3498 [Test Suite]: 'Move or Copy' Test Suite UI issue when there is an error.
- SYNAPSENG-3496 [Traceability]: Redundant JQLs are added automatically in a saved filter.
- SYNAPSENG-3494 [Traceability]: JQL doesn’t work if search value contains symbol '&'.
- SYNAPSENG-3493 [Traceability]: Filter cannot be loaded if it is created from existing filter (Save As).
- SYNAPSENG-3485 [Import]: The first user in Jira user list will be picked up by import if there are multiple users with same email address.
- SYNAPSENG-3478 [Import]: 'Epic Link' cannot be imported during Test Case import.
- SYNAPSENG-3477 [Import][Jira8.x]: Import cannot be done if some custom fields are mapped.
- SYNAPSENG-3475 [Test Plans]: Overview charts shows data from other Jira project.
- SYNAPSENG-3465 [Test Case]: 'Test Step' text box is not extend automatically if user fill lots of texts those are in the same paragraph.
- SYNAPSENG-3399 [Performance]: Report data cannot be generated with 500 error if there are large set of Test Cases in Test Plan & Test Cycles.