バージョン 9.7.8
リリース ノート
- SYNAPSENG-3521 [Import/Export]: Improve export format to align with Jira native export
- SYNAPSENG-3505 [Test Run]: Copy texts from a 'Comment' and 'Actual Result' text boxes shouldn't activate 'Edit' mode.
- SYNAPSENG-3484 [Test Run]: Add 'Test Case issueKey' in Test Run dialog.
- SYNAPSENG-3482 [Configuration]: Introduce a new feature to categorize Test Run Status to 'Not Executed' and 'Executed'.
- SYNAPSENG-3474 [Test Plans]: Improve the performance of graphics loading in 'Overview' tab.
- SYNAPSENG-3234 [User Settings]: Introduce a new user setting to allow user customizes export fields of Test Case.
- SYNAPSENG-2407 [Test Plan]: Test Plan level 'Tester' information should also be cloned by 'SynapseRT Clone'.
- SYNAPSENG-1771 [Customer][Test Case]: Make Test Step data searchable by JQL
- SYNAPSENG-1377 [Configuration]: Allow user changing default 'Test Run Status' name and color.
バグ修正 :
- SYNAPSENG-3542 [Test Case]: 'Refresh' from browser causes 'Comments' value is rendered incorrectly.
- SYNAPSENG-3533 [Report]: 500 error when generate 'Defect Matrix Report'
- SYNAPSENG-3520 [Test Case]: Click outside of step text box without content change still save the step.
- SYNAPSENG-3518 [REST API]: Special character '&' is returned as '&' in 'rest/synapse/1.0/public/testPlan/{tpKey}/cycles'
- SYNAPSENG-3513 [Configuration]: synapseRT related menus are still available in NON synapseRT project issues.
- SYNAPSENG-3512 [Report]: It still shows the previous 'Test Run Status' even after migration status is done in 'Execution Date wise Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-3509 [Report]: Screenshot pasted in 'Comment' and 'Actual Result' cannot display in reports.
- SYNAPSENG-3508 [Agile]: 'Test Step' level defect is NOT linked to corresponding step after creation is done.
- SYNAPSENG-3507 [Report]: 'java.lang.NullPointerException' when generate 'Execution Date wise Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-3495 [Traceability]: Page loading for the first time will take more time if there is large number 'Sprint' in Jira instance.