バージョン 9.8.1
リリース ノート
- SYNAPSENG-3605 [Requirement]: Support 'Full Path' for Requirement import feature.
- SYNAPSENG-3584 [Report]: Introduce a new report: 'Test Execution Overview Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-3583 [Report]: Present defect issue key instead of number for 'Defects' column.
- SYNAPSENG-3573 [JQL]: Extend 'testPlanMembers()' to support nested JQL function.
- SYNAPSENG-3572 [User Settings]: Introduce a new user setting to allow user customizes export fields of Baseline and Baseline comparison result.
- SYNAPSENG-3464 [Report]: Highlight Requirement issues in detailed 'Requirement Based Reports'.
- SYNAPSENG-3122 [JQL]: Introduce a new JQL to search Requirement issues with/without child Requirements linked.
- SYNAPSENG-2760 [REST API]: New API to add/update 'Test Reference' value for an existing Test Case.
- SYNAPSENG-1866 [[Test Suite]: Add 'Column' feature in 'Test Suite Edit' view.
バグ修正 :
- SYNAPSENG-3617 [Traceability]: Table header presents repeatedly in traceability matrix export file.
- SYNAPSENG-3613 [Import]: Unexpected file is created in OS after synapseRT import is done with error.
- SYNAPSENG-3611 [Performance]: Sometimes timeout issue appears when add Test Cases to Test Plan issue.
- SYNAPSENG-3609 [Automation]: automation results cannot be updated if results name are NOT English strings.
- SYNAPSENG-3608 [L10N]: There are some duplicated 'Run Status' field in localized version of synapseRT.
- SYNAPSENG-3607 [Export]: 'Parent Requirement' and 'Child Requirement' data are missing in exported file.
- SYNAPSENG-3606 [Export]: Export from filtered issues (Test Cases, Requirements) are wrong.
- SYNAPSENG-3593 [Performance]: Sometimes 'Add Test Suite' dialog cannot be loaded with 'Communication Error…' if there are large number of Test Cases (>300,000).
- SYNAPSENG-3410 [Performance]: Improve the the page loading time where Test Case tree is loaded.
- SYNAPSENG-2453 [Test Cycle]: Disabled 'Test Suite' shouldn’t present in 'Test Suite View' mode.