バージョン 9.8.4
リリース ノート
- SYNAPSENG-3682 [Test Cycle]: Introduce 'Free-form Test Cases' label to group Test Cases those are not associated to any Test Suite in TestCycle/Test Suite View.
- SYNAPSENG-3680 [Report]: add hyperlinks to result numbers in 'Test Case Executions by Field' gadget.
- SYNAPSENG-3679 [Report]: add a new configurable option 'Include Step Result' for 'Test Suite Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-3677 [My Settings]: update the export message to: Select fields for Word/PDF Export
- SYNAPSENG-3645 [Report]: Improve 'Test Execution Overview Report' report to include 'Urgency' information.
- SYNAPSENG-3644 [Report]: Make custom field 'urgencyOfRun' work with 'Test Case Executions by Field'.
- SYNAPSENG-3642 [Configuration]: User updates execution result shouldn't trigger email notification (issue update notification).
- SYNAPSENG-3636 [Test Case]: Set validation for 'Test Reference' field to make sure illegal symbol/character is NOT allowed.
- SYNAPSENG-3110 [Report]: Show 'project = <current project>' in 'JQL' search box by default in 'Requirement Based Reports' and 'Requirement Coverage Report'.
バグ修正 :
- SYNAPSENG-3707 [REST API]: The result name in English strings doesn't work anymore.
- SYNAPSENG-3706 [Test Cycle]: 'Tested By' information is replaced by the user who 'Resume' the Test Cycle from 'Completed' status.
- SYNAPSENG-3688 [Test Plan]: Sub Test Suite cannot be expanded by clicking '>' icon.
- SYNAPSENG-3687 [Test Cycle]: Test Run is removed from Test Cycle if its original Test Case is removed from Jira.
- SYNAPSENG-3686 [Requirement]: Test Case execution result is NOT passed to Requirement.
- SYNAPSENG-3685 [Test Case]: It always load the last execution result after clicking 'Create' button from 'Ad Hoc Test Run' panel.
- SYNAPSENG-3684 [Import]: 'Requirement Link' cannot be created during Test Case import.
- SYNAPSENG-3683 [Test Cycle]: Number tag always shows 'total number' instead of 'number of filtered records' in 'Test Suite View'.
- SYNAPSENG-3674 [Test Cycle]: 'Set Urgency' in 'Test Suite View' causes page refreshing.
- SYNAPSENG-3673 [Test Suites] Drag-and-drop issue
- SYNAPSENG-3672 [Test Plan]: Loading icon cannot be gone even 'Add Test Case' action has been completed.
- SYNAPSENG-3670 [Test Suite]: Test Suites are not listed as same order as how they are listed in 'Test Suites' page.