バージョン 9.9.5
リリース ノート
- SYNAPSENG-3867 [Test Cycle]: Bulk Operation progress dialog box should also be available for 'Bulk Assign' and 'Set Urgency'.
- SYNAPSENG-3850 [Export]: improve Word export to make presentable better for 'Test Plan Execution Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-3829 [Test Plan]: Make 'Run Attribute' visible for various reports and Test Cycle page.
- SYNAPSENG-3770 [Import]: Introduce 'CSV' export in 'Test Suites' page for each root Test Suite.
- SYNAPSENG-2818 [Test Cycle]: Add checkbox for each 'Root Test Suite' to select all its sub Test Suites with Test Cases.
バグ修正 :
- SYNAPSENG-3892 [Performance]: in some case, it takes tens of seconds to completely load 'Requirements' page.
- SYNAPSENG-3891 [Performance]: it takes too much time to expand a Requirement Suite node if there are large number of Requirement issues nested in it.
- SYNAPSENG-3887 [JQL]: JQL 'issue in testSuite("suiteName") cannot return correct data if same Test Suite path exists in multiple Jira project.
- SYNAPSENG-3886 [Gadget]: 'Test Case Executions by Fields' gadget gets incorrect data for 'Test Suite' field if same Test Suite exists in multiple Jira projects.
- SYNAPSENG-3874 [Test Run]: Test Run attachment remains in '<JiraHome>/data/synapse/attachments' directory.
- SYNAPSENG-3869 [Test Cycle]: in a Test Cycle with large amount of Test Cases, user cannot update result smoothly one by one.
- SYNAPSENG-3868 [Test Cycle]: there is a delay after clicking 'Close' button from 'Bulk Operation Progress' dialog.
- SYNAPSENG-3866 [Upgrade]: There are some 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space...' exception in console.
- SYNAPSENG-3865 [Test Cycle]: RunStatistics should be exactly same as root Test Suite number tag for any 'DRAFT' Test Cycle.
- SYNAPSENG-3864 [Test Cycle]: it takes too much time to load 'Time Tracking' data.
- SYNAPSENG-3863 [Test Cycle]: sometimes the 'Bulk Operation' context menus are grayed out even Test Runs are selected.
- SYNAPSENG-3862 [Report]: 'Test Step' with multiple lines are not handled well in exported .xls file.
- SYNAPSENG-3559 [Test Suite]: Incorrect 'Test Suite' information is displayed for some Test Case issues.