バージョン 9.9.8
リリース ノート
- SYNAPSENG-3953 [Requirement]: there should be a loading icon after clicking 'Show more' link from a Requirement Suite.
- SYNAPSENG-3949 [Automation] Remove the logic to consider the attribute "type" of "failure" element for Failure / Error cases
- SYNAPSENG-3946 [REST API]: introduce a new API to 'Create Test Run' from 'Advanced Test Cycle'
- SYNAPSENG-3945 [REST API]: improve API 'addCycle' to support creation of 'Advanced Test Cycle'.
- SYNAPSENG-3890 [REST API]: Develop a new API to 'Delete Test Suite from a Test Case'
バグ修正 :
- SYNAPSENG-3957 [Run Attribute]: friendly message should be displayed in 'Create Test Run ...' dialog if there is no 'Run Attribute' existed.
- SYNAPSENG-3956 [Test Plan]: Test Runs are NOT created if clone a Test Plan issue.
- SYNAPSENG-3955 [Run Attribute]: duplicated run attribute combinations are created during the clone of a 'Advance Test Cycle'.
- SYNAPSENG-3954 [Report]: unexpected data is showing up in 'Execution Date wise Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-3952 [Test Plan]: 'Clone Test Cycle' doesn't work anymore for Test Cycle created in previous versions.
- SYNAPSENG-3951 [Test Cycle]: 'Create Test Run' button cannot displayed if selected Test Cases are root Test Suite's direct members.
- SYNAPSENG-3948 [Import]: sometimes Test Case import is failed with 'Jira Workflow Toolbox plug-in' installed.
- SYNAPSENG-3936 [Test Cycle]: 'Run Attribute' dropdown data cannot be loaded anymore after link a defect from bulk operation.
- SYNAPSENG-3921 [Test Cycle]: bulk operation is done for ALL instead of filtered Test Runs.