Global Settings
Global settings can be found at: Settings->Apps->TESTRAY->Global Settings.
TestRay Issues
You are allowed to map other issues types to ‘Requirement’ and 'Defect' issue types. Once the mapping is done, the mapped issue types will get the extensions from TestRay.
You can map multiple issue types to ‘Requirement’ and ‘Defect’.
Same issue type is allowed to be mapped to either ‘Requirement’ or ‘Defect’.

TestRay Projects
Only 'TestRay Projects' will have TestRay UI & functionalities available.

TestRay Roles
TestRay provides two kinds of user roles, 'Tester' and 'Test Lead'. You can map your own project roles to TestRay roles to make a user act as 'Tester' or 'Test Lead'.

Test Data
You can configure to display one more column 'Test Data' for 'Test Step' in a test case issue.
Enable: A column 'Test Data' will present for 'Test Step'.
Disable: Column 'Test Data' will be invisible in 'Test Step'.

Maximum Limit to Import Test Case
You can configure the maximum limit of test case importing, setup a proper value to avoid any performance issue.

Maximum Issue Result
You can configure the maximum limit of issues to be displayed in your issue picker, setup a proper value to avoid any performance issue.

Test Run Urgency
You can configure to enable/disable 'Test Run Urgency' feature.
Enable: 'Set Urgency' function will be available in test cycle, it helps user defining test execution priority. Tester can filter test runs based on urgency value and start test execution on prioritized ones.
Disable: 'Set Urgency' function is not available anymore in test cycle.