版本 8.6.0
New Features:
Test Case Tree view and testing status by Tester
Test Runs will be listed in a tree structure, same as how they organized in Test Suite.
Progress bars to indicate the test results from different assignee (Tester)
Improvements on automation integration
Associate the Jenkins job (Plan/Job Key) on the Test Cycle level
Test reference fields added for each Test Case. Test Reference field will be fully qualified class name : method name
'Save Filter' feature for Requirements page, Traceability page and SynapseRT Reports
- It helps user to find out the list of data based on different search criteria quickly.
Make fields in 'Test Run' Dialog configurable
- It helps user to add additional fields/information in Test Run dialog.
Add more REST APIs
Attach files back to Test Case Run
Add Test Cases to Test Cycle (with the reference Test Case members in Test Plan)
Create Test Case with Test Steps
Updating and deleting a Test Step via sequenceNumber
SynapseRT Clone for Requirement, Test Case and Test Plan
- Clone a Requirement with its child Requirements and associated Test Cases.
- Clone a Test Case with its Requirement associations and Test Suites.
- Clone a Test Plan with its Test Case members and Test Cycles.

Copy/Move Test Suites cross projects
- Copy/Move Test Suites to other project, so that the same set of Test Cases and structured can be viewed in multiple projects.
Some improvements on Gadgets
Add percentage information to gadgets: 'Test case Executions by Tester' and 'Test case Executions by Cycle'
Add grand total information from Test Plan level for 'Test case Executions by Cycle'
Other improvements on UX
- New icons to replace the button label (texts)
Release Notes
- SYNAPSENG-1824 Provide SynapseRT Clone option in Test Plan issue
- SYNAPSENG-1761 [REST API][Customer]: Add REST API to support attach files back to Test Case Run.
- SYNAPSENG-1718 [Gadget]: Attach percentage information to 'Test case Executions by Tester'.
- SYNAPSENG-1717 [Gadget]: Attach percentage information to 'Test case Executions by Cycle'.
- SYNAPSENG-1685 [Gadget][Improvement]: Add grand total information from Test Plan level for 'Test case Executions by Cycle'.
- SYNAPSENG-1661 [Test Suite][Customer]: SynapseRT link to support cross projects linking.
- SYNAPSENG-1658 [Test Suite][Customer]: Copy 'Test Suites' across JIRA projects.
- SYNAPSENG-1655 [Rest API][Customer] Add REST API to support adding Test Cases to Test Cycle (with the reference Test Case members in Test Plan)
- SYNAPSENG-1594 [Customer][REST API] Add REST API to create Test Case with Test Steps.
- SYNAPSENG-1593 [Customer][REST API] Add REST API to updating and deleting a Test Step via sequenceNumber.
- SYNAPSENG-1561 [Traceability]: Add 'Save Filter' function to Traceability page.
- SYNAPSENG-1560 [Requirements]: Add 'Save Filter' to 'Requirements' page.
- SYNAPSENG-1550 [Customer][Requirement]: Clone a Requirement issue to support cloning its Child Requirements and Test Cases.
- SYNAPSENG-1548 [Traceability]: 'Sprint' should be present for the filter in 'Traceability' matrix.
- SYNAPSENG-1534 [Test Plan]: Add filter options 'Sprint' & 'Version' to 'Unresolved Plans' and 'Resolved Plans' tab.
- SYNAPSENG-1532 [Customer][Test Cycle]: Add chart to show individual tester's progress in test cycle view.
- SYNAPSENG-1521 [Customer][REST API] Add REST API to get all immediate child requirements from a requirement.
- SYNAPSENG-1508 [Customer][JQL]: JQL search for a list of Test Plans/Test Cycles in which 'Tester=X' is assigned.
- SYNAPSENG-1482 Disabled Test Suites - Not properly handled across the application
- SYNAPSENG-1474 [Customer][Test Run]: Improve UI to give more width/space to 'Step'/'Test Data'/'Expected Result' columns.
- SYNAPSENG-1433 [Customer]: Associate the Jenkins job (Plan/Job Key) on the Test Cycle level in addition to the Test Case level.
- SYNAPSENG-1357 [Test Suite][Improvement]: Display an icon to make a quick clone of a Test Case from Test Suite.
- SYNAPSENG-1356 [Test Suite][Improvement]: 'Requirement Links' option should also be available in 'Clone Test Cases' dialog box.
- SYNAPSENG-1115 [Customer]: Make Test Case TREE (Test Suite + Test Case) display in 'Test Case Member' section and 'Test Cycle' page.
- SYNAPSENG-924 [Test Run]: Make the fields in 'Test Run' dialog configurable.
- SYNAPSENG-741 [Manage REQs]: Providing both 'Filter' and 'JQL Search' for user to view the list of requirements.
- SYNAPSENG-706 [Customer Reported]: Add report template so that every time user is able to export his predefined report.
- SYNAPSENG-690 Improvement: "Test Cycle Status Pie-Chart" should be able to work across Test Cycles.
- SYNAPSENG-685 Present more options in 'Clone' test case pop up to let user desides if 'JIRA Links', 'Requirement Links' and 'Test Suite Links' need to be cloned.
Bug Fixes:
- SYNAPSENG-2003 [Integration]: Jenkins job always shows as 'Running' even it has been done with result - Failed.
- SYNAPSENG-1974 [SynapseRT Reports]: Wrong description is present at 'Addhoc Test Run Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-1971 [Customer][Gadget]: 'Statuses Category' value is displayed for 'Status' status column in 'Defect Statistics per Test Cycle/s'
- SYNAPSENG-1937 [Test Suite]: The tooltip for 'Move or Copy' is different between 'Root Test Suite' and 'Sub Test Suite'.
- SYNAPSENG-1886 [Customer][Test Cycle]: Two email notification will be received for one Test Case Run assignment.
- SYNAPSENG-1885 [Customer][Test Cycle]: User is not able to clean 'Tester' information.
- SYNAPSENG-1879 [Customer][Test Cycle]: Test Cases cannot be fully loaded in Test Cycle page if there a single quote present in the ?€?Comments?€? of a ?€?Test Run?€?.
- SYNAPSENG-1862 [Configuration]: 'Migration' link is not removed in v8.5.2.
- SYNAPSENG-1861 [Customer][Configuration]: Save configuration without specifying 'SynapseRT Issues' and 'Defect' cause 500 error.
- SYNAPSENG-1860 [Customer][Test Suite]: Test Suite cannot be expanded with error: Oops! unexpected error occurred, please try again.
- SYNAPSENG-1859 [Permission][Test Suite]: User doesn't have 'Browse Projects' permission, but still can view the issues from other project.
- SYNAPSENG-1858 [Test Suite]: Move a Test Case to new location in same Root Test Suite doesn't work.
- SYNAPSENG-1856 [Customer][Test Suite]: Several JIRA standard field types cannot be imported via Test Case Import.
- SYNAPSENG-1854 [Customer][Test Run]: Defect will be counted multiples if link the same Defects to multiple Test Steps in Test Case Run.
- SYNAPSENG-1845 [Configuration]: The values for 'Type' and 'Name' are swapped after updating 'Name' value for any existing application.
- SYNAPSENG-1826 [Gadget]: The sequence of Test Cycles in gadget is different with how they are displayed in Test Plan issue.
- SYNAPSENG-1820 [Test Plan]: Remove a Test Case member from the list will cause expand list is collapsed automatically.
- SYNAPSENG-1818 [Test Case]: 'more' link from 'Test Plan' panel doesn't work.
- SYNAPSENG-1817 [Test Case]: Page scrolls up to the top automatically after clicking 'more' link from Ad Hoc Test Run panel.
- SYNAPSENG-1816 [Requirement]: 'more' link from 'Defects' panel doesn't work.
- SYNAPSENG-1798 [Test Suite]: Duplicated 'Test Suite Label' text box appears if the operation is following 'Close View Test Suite' dialog action.
- SYNAPSENG-1797 [Customer][Import/Export]: Duplicated 'Affects Version/s' and 'Fix Version/s' values are created after updating Test Cases from Test Case import.
- SYNAPSENG-1796 [Test Plan]: Same Defect in multiple Test Cycles is counted multiple times from Test Plan.
- SYNAPSENG-1795 [Configuration]: Import to update Test Case can be done successfully even the user has no 'Edit Issue' permission in destination project.
- SYNAPSENG-1794 [JQL]: bugsInEnvironment('EnvName1','EnvName2') doesn't work.
- SYNAPSENG-1793 [JQL]: bugsInBuild('BuildName1','BuildName2') doesn't work
- SYNAPSENG-1792 [JQL]: Only 'Unresolved' defects are listed in JQL: issue in bugsInBuild('BuildName')
- SYNAPSENG-1791 [Test Cycle]: The tooltip for Test Case Run comment is not displayed well if a 'IssueKey' is specified in the 'Comment' field.
- SYNAPSENG-1786 [Customer][Configuration]: NullPointerException when save configuration without issue type mapping value specified.
- SYNAPSENG-1780 [Test Cycle]: 'Test Case Updated' icon is not present for Test Case Run if new steps added by 'Test Step Import'.
- SYNAPSENG-1779 [Test Suite]: Test Case is which is linked to 'Root Test Suite' is presented at the bottom instead of top.
- SYNAPSENG-1762 [Customer][Test Plans]: The pie chart size will be too small if lots of Test Cycles are created for in Test Plan.
- SYNAPSENG-1400 [Requirement]: The aggregated Test Case sequence is different with how they are displayed in its Child Requirement.