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SynapseRT Automation - Trigger Your CI Job/Plan (Jenkins & Bamboo) and Retrieve Results

More and more organizations are using Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery tools to manage automation testing, there is no doubt that automation testing can help us shorten the software product delivery cycle.

synapse has the integration with Jenkins and Bamboo to help user execute automation tests easier and convenient from JIRA. The user is able to start/trigger the job/plan from synapseRT directly and retrieve the test results, without accessing you CI tools and automation scripts.

synapseRT also provides a list of REST APIs to help user to perform the products own actions via programmatically.

[Illustration - synapseRT Automation Overview]

Configuration: add CI tools information to synapseRT

[Illustration - synapseRT Automation Integration Setting]

Mapping: map automation script to a test case

[Illustration - synapseRT Automation Test Case Mapping]

 Trigger Job/Plan: trigger job/plan from test cycle page

[Illustration - synapseRT Automation Trigger Job/Plan]

Update Results: once CI job/plan is done, test results (tests those mapped to test case) will be updated automatically

[Illustration - synapseRT Automation Retrieve Automation Results]

In addition to the features mentioned above, you can also explore more features at the Atlassian Marketplace.
For a detailed user guide, open our user guide.
For an interactive demo, book a demo.
For support, contact our service desk.
For more information about synapseRT, contact us.

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